
25 years of X-Wing Alliance

Mar 30, 2024

Has it been 25 years already?

Alright there hasn't been much communication from us lately, but that's not to say we aren't keeping busy. In fact we are hard at work, creating and improving and testing loads and loads of things to get the next big patch out. And oh boy, that next patch is getting bigger and bigger all the time! Ace Antilles has been super busy going over pretty much all existing craft, making sure the material files are up-to-date and correct, smoothing the models for better looks and making tons of other tweaks as well.

Some existing models have gotten some pretty substantial upgrades, while yet others have been completely redone plus a few new ones are in the works as well.
blue_max and JeremyaFr have been busy doing their magic enhancing overall visual fidelity and gameplay features and a complete rework of a as of yet fairly untouched area of the game is also being done right now.

The next patch is going to be huge, not only in content but there's also a lot of other stuff that should make everything a lot better going forward. Stay tuned for further info and maybe the occasional teaser.

That's all, now get out there and have fun!

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